Archive for the "Technology" Category


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Co-Sourcing Model Benefits

As IT moves away from being a support function to a key business enabler, the loss of control and inflexibility associated with the traditional approach has made it less and less favourable. Fundamentally, it is no longer possible to plan all aspects of costs and innovation over a 5 -10 year period upfront and package […]

Wish You Could Buy An iPhone? Why Not Try iPhone Recycling Sites?

Its kind of funny the way times have changed. When I was a kid, the things I asked for where things like Rainbow Bright and Etch A A Sketch. These days, mobile phones are all the rave.. for kids! On the other hand, if you think about it, if you put certain rules into place, […]

GPS vehicle trackers for a buisiness advantage

Every business owner tries his or her best to reduce the expenses that are to be incurred in the business. For example- shopping, in order to collect the information on best deals or trying to avoid the unwanted purchases etc. But there are a lot of expenses that are done in the business but hardly […]

Deploying Managed Security Services in the Changing IT Landscape

As organizations expand globally, there are innumerable challenges that they have to face and so do the need for global information exchange between employees and customers. Threats to your infrastructure and confidentiality, integrity and availability of information also increase exponentially both from internal and external sources. As information is one of your most important assets, […]

iPhone Recycling Done The Right Way

Got an iPhone? Wish you had the money to buy the newest iPhone out there? Well, what if I told you that by getting involved in iPhone recycling you could? iPhone recycling? What in the heck is that? It’s easy! As of late, there have been companies popping up all over the UK called mobile […]