Archive for the "Uncategorized" Category

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The profile of Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee is one of the most remarkable inventors in the 20th century.

3D rapid prototyping

3D rapid prototyping

Yаngbаn houѕе: а rеflеctіon of nеo-confucіаnіѕm

Thе yаngbаn wеrе еxpеctеd to hold publіc offіcе, follow thе Confucіаn trаdіtіon of ѕtudy аnd ѕеlf-cultіvаtіon

Hawaii’s story by Hawaii’s Queen

This book is written by the queen of Hawaii herself after she was made to lose her throne as a result of the revolution

Internet privacy

Internet is involved in everything in life. People now have the ability to use internet for mailing, business and even online education.