Archive for the "Cars" Category

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Chip Foose Wheels In Recent Times

Chip Foose wheels have made a huge impression on the car market especially given the relative youth of the maker Chip Foose and his firm which simply commenced in 1998. The rise in reputation of this maker is because of his visibility on various TV programs. Prior to the launch of the Discovery Channel program […]

Georgia State Auto Insurance Know the Facts

It is required by law that all Georgia state automobile owners must have auto insurance. In 2003 a policy was enacted that gave the Georgia state police an insurance database which feeds from the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety. This database pinpoints vehicles with expired or no insurance. Though the presence of an insurance card […]

Finding Out If You Have Auto Insurance the Hard Way

When my niece and nephew came into town they wanted to stay at my place because we lived in a tourist area, the rates for a hotel were high, and it would give them a chance to spend time at the beach without the full-blown cost of staying at the beach. They also thought they […]

Finding Free Auto Repair Manuals

Finding free auto repair manuals can be easy. How? Use the internet. Some websites focus solely on repairing cars; even providing free e-books and free e-book samples for downloads. Try looking for these websites through your favorite search engines and surely, you will be returned with a very long list of results.If you browse over […]

Should I Buy a New Car or a Used Car?

New or used car? It all depends on your situation. So much depends on your situation – income, habits, emotions – that one size certainly does not fit all. Discover the two types of people best suited for used cars, and the four types of people who really should be buying a used car. The […]