Archive for the "Vehicles" Category


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Folosirea de cauciucuri de iarna da o mai buna manevrabilitate autovehicului

Folosirea in perioada rece a anului de cauciucuri de iarna in dotarea autovehicului da o siguranta sporita pasagerilor. Este, din acest an, obligatorie dotarea autovehiculelor cu caucicucuri de iarna. Schimbarea cauciucurilor de vara cu cauciucuri de iarna se recomanda a fi realizata atunci cand temperatura scade sub 7 grade Celsius. Avand in vedere caracteristicele climaterice […]

Basics Of Auto transport Business

Trends are changing as the time is passing and everything has become very easy. Facilities are being provided by everyone to make everything easy. Tasks that were previously performed in days are now being accomplished in hours and minutes. Travelling has become very easy and cheap because of the modern transport services. Air transport services […]

The qualities of a good company car

If you are looking for a good company car there are a number of things you’ll want to consider which includes the resale value of the car and how much it will cost to maintain it once the warranty is over. The choice of car you come up with will also depend mainly upon your […]

Negotiate well with windshield replacement quote and auto glass quote from multiple vendors

Many people make the mistake of hiring the services of the first windshield or auto glass mechanic that they come across. This is a cardinal mistake because they have no clue what some of the other mechanics would charge for the same job. Hence, a process of short listing should be followed by any car […]

Why not think of windshield replacement cost or auto glass replacement cost all the time?

Sometimes it is not possible to understand whether your car windshield needs replacement or not. Even when you have been driving a car for what seems like ages, you don’t seem to realize whether a repair will do or a replacement is required. You argue with your mechanic that repair is good enough but at […]