Archive for the "Writing" Category

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Master Your Master’s Thesis

You’ve written undergraduate papers and even graduate-level papers, but now you’re getting ready to work on the biggie: your master’s thesis. Panic sets in as you realize that this is beyond the scope of your previous academic research and writing experience…and maybe even skills, you’re thinking now. “What was I thinking?” you groan, clutching your […]

Proofreading Your Way To The Top – 5 Short Essay Tips

What is proofreading? Proofreading is a technique used to making your text free from the logical, punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Whether you are writing an essay, business report, dissertation report, or a magazine article, you can not afford to commit mistakes. Committing mistakes puts a question on your credibility, working expertise and efficiency. There are […]

Learn How To Write A Strong Essay

As you probably are already aware, to achieve any kind of decent grade in your college essay you will need to be able to produce one that satisfies certain requirements. Besides the actual knowledge needed as it relates to the specific topic or area of expertise your success will be based upon ensuring that the […]

Importance Of Custom Essay

Many students don’t figure out difference between a normal essay and custom written essay, if you are having same question, this article is especially for you. A custom essay can be defined as an essay written by a professional and specialized writer, just like a writer of any book, news paper and internet article, but […]

How To Score Well For Academic Essays

If you are given the task of writing an academic essay, you want to know the best approach to adopt so that you get the best possible grades. On the surface, this sounds easy enough but there is more than meets the eye, as you shall soon see. Most students think that just by submitting […]