As soon as those names in alphabetical order (Allen, Betty, Charlie? ) beginning rolling off the lips of meteorologists, residents close coastlines from Boston to South America, all around the Gulf of Mexico, up the coast of Baja, and over to Hawaii know that its time to guarantee that they are prepared for the hurricane season. Withstanding a hurricane is twofold – saving your life and saving your property. It is foolish to risk your life to stay with your property. There are many security precautions you can take. 1. Listen to the weather advisories. The number one cause of deaths in hurricanes is drowning. The gargantuan tidal surge that frequently accompanies hurricanes engulfs residents who have stayed in their homes. For those who happen to be out in the streets, their odds of survival are even less. Hurricanes, unlike tornadoes, normally are predicted several days in advance. If you want to get to higher ground, do so. Just because you have ridden out earlier storms does not mean you should try to ride out this one.