The Elusive Motivation To Lose Weight

You know that you will look and feel better if you could just maintain a healthy weight, but it is so hard to find the motivation to lose weight and actually keep it off long term. We all know that it takes more than crash dieting and sporadic exercise, but we’re not so good at developing an effective weight loss program and remaining consistent with it.

Oh My Look at My Thighs

I was looking in the mirror and I just do not look like I used too. Yeah I have had 4 kids so obviously things get wider. But I can not complain I have kept my weight down, never again will I weigh what I did when I was 20 but I can be a […]

Burn Your Fat and Build Muscles with the Fat Burning Furnace

Because of the ugly look it gives to their body nobody loves being fat. This apart they also have to face taunts from their friends. In many cases, they are forced to lead a lonely life because they are ignored by their friends totally. They have faith that the issue can be addressed with the […]

Lose Weight for Good with Dr. Simeons HCG Diet

Dr. Simeons HCG diet is getting a lot of attention. Many people think it is a new fad diet, here today and gone tomorrow, but that type of thinking is incorrect. The fact is, the HCG diet has been around since the 1950s, and thousands of people have successfully lost weight and kept it off […]

Everything You Wanted to Know About Fat Burning Foods?

It is a shame that even in this age people cannot distinguish between food that is suitable for them and what is not. It will be tough to get rid of obesity, what with approximately 70% of American teenagers unable to prohibit the accumulation of superfluous and unsafe fat in their body. Everyone wants to […]